Jacques Soulaire
Dank an Jacques Soulaire für die Erlaubnis zur Reproduktion dieses Buches.
Cactus et Médecine.
This is a short book (190 pages) dealing with many aspects of the problem: botanical, medical and chemical considerations, with some pages devoted to cactus use and ethnographic issues. 11 species are described with a special emphasis on Lophophora williamsii (and var.) and allied species.
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- Bearbeitete Datei: Soulaire_CactusMedecine.pdf (9,4Mo; 2010-08-19)
- Originaldatei: Soulaire_CactusMedecine_O.pdf (33,5Mo; 2010-08-19)
N.B.: There are numerous misprints and mistakes in the original. Some have been corrected in the “interpreted” file.