Exporter en PDFHaut de page Share via Share via... Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Pinterest Telegram WhatsApp Yammer RedditDerniers changementsSend via e-MailImprimerPermalienA few tips… × Beiträge zur Sukkulentenkunde und -pflege The DKG is gratefully acknowledged for the authorization to reproduce these documents. The e-library is not responsible for the political content of some articles by some authors and of some advertisements. Under copyright (with authorization) “Beiträge zur Sukkulentenkunde und -pflege” is another series published by the German Cactus Society (DKG) and appeared from 1938 until 1943 with three issues per year, except in 1943, when only one, the last issue was printed. Read online in the reding room (Choose the volume in the drop-down menu above the image) Download: 1938: Interpreted file: Beitrage1938.pdf (3.5MB; 2013-06-13) Original file: Beitrage1938_O.pdf (23.6MB; 2013-06-13) 1939: Interpreted file: Beitrage1939.pdf (3.5MB; 2013-06-13) Original file: Beitrage1939_O.pdf (18.9MB; 2013-06-13) 1940: Interpreted file: Beitrage1940.pdf (4.6MB; 2013-06-13) Original file: Beitrage1940_O.pdf (17.7MB; 2013-06-13) 1941: Interpreted file: Beitrage1941.pdf (5.4MB; 2013-06-13) Original file: Beitrage1941_O.pdf (20.8MB; 2013-06-13) 1942: Interpreted file: Beitrage1942.pdf (4.2MB; 2013-06-13) Original file: Beitrage1942_O.pdf (18.8MB; 2013-06-13) 1943: Interpreted file: Beitrage1943.pdf (4.7MB; 2013-06-13) Original file: Beitrage1943_O.pdf (17.1MB; 2013-06-13) en/beitrage.txt Dernière modification : 2017/12/16 16:26de