Cactaceae—Jahrbücher der Deutschen Kakteen-Gesellschaft
The DKG is gratefully acknowledged for the authorization to reproduce these documents.
Under copyright (with authorization)
From 1935 to 1936, the German Cactus Society (DKG) published a yearbook with various articles. Then, from 1937 until 1944 the Society published the series „Cactaceae. Jahrbücher der Deutschen Kakteen-Gesellschaft“. The concept of the new series was to publish not just single, independent articles in these “yearbooks”. Over the time the articles should become parts of a complete work about the cactus family. Each year one, two, or three issues of this compilation have been published. Most issues include more than one contribution, whereas a few issues were dedicated to one special topic.
Some articles were split over several issues and sometimes the disruption appears even within a sentence. The short title in the margin indicates the belonging of the page to a particular article. In the interpreted files, annotations in blue indicate either the previous part or the next part of an article.
- Download:
- 1935-36:
- Interpreted file: CactJahr1936.pdf (4.1MB; 2012-7-27)
- Original file: CactJahr1936_O.pdf (33.9MB; 2012-7-27)
- 1937:
- Interpreted file: CactJahr1937.pdf (6.5MB; 2012-7-27)
- Original file: CactJahr1937_O.pdf (39.1MB; 2012-7-27)
- 1938:
- Interpreted file: CactJahr1938.pdf (4.2MB; 2012-7-27)
- Original file: CactJahr1938_O.pdf (33.8MB; 2012-7-27)
- 1939:
- Interpreted file: CactJahr1939.pdf (4.1MB; 2012-7-27)
- Original file: CactJahr1939_O.pdf (33.2MB; 2012-7-27)
- 1940:
- Interpreted file: CactJahr1940.pdf (2.6MB; 2012-7-27)
- Original file: CactJahr1940_O.pdf (10.4MB; 2012-7-27)
- 1941:
- Interpreted file: CactJahr1941.pdf (4.6MB; 2012-7-27)
- Original file: CactJahr1941_O.pdf (33.9MB; 2012-7-27)
- 1942:
- Interpreted file: CactJahr1942.pdf (5.2MB; 2012-7-27)
- Original file: CactJahr1942_O.pdf (35.8MB; 2012-7-27)
- 1943-44:
- Interpreted file: CactJahr1943.pdf (5.2MB; 2012-7-27)
- Original file: CactJahr1943_O.pdf (26.6MB; 2012-7-27)