Exporter en PDFHaut de page Share via Share via... Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Pinterest Telegram WhatsApp Yammer RedditDerniers changementsSend via e-MailImprimerPermalienA few tips… × Cactaceae—Jahrbücher der Deutschen Kakteen-Gesellschaft The DKG is gratefully acknowledged for the authorization to reproduce these documents. Under copyright (with authorization) From 1935 to 1936, the German Cactus Society (DKG) published a yearbook with various articles. Then, from 1937 until 1944 the Society published the series „Cactaceae. Jahrbücher der Deutschen Kakteen-Gesellschaft“. The concept of the new series was to publish not just single, independent articles in these “yearbooks”. Over the time the articles should become parts of a complete work about the cactus family. Each year one, two, or three issues of this compilation have been published. Most issues include more than one contribution, whereas a few issues were dedicated to one special topic. Some articles were split over several issues and sometimes the disruption appears even within a sentence. The short title in the margin indicates the belonging of the page to a particular article. In the interpreted files, annotations in blue indicate either the previous part or the next part of an article. Read online in the reading room (Choose the volume in the drop-down menu above the image) Download: 1935-36: Interpreted file: CactJahr1936.pdf (4.1MB; 2012-7-27) Original file: CactJahr1936_O.pdf (33.9MB; 2012-7-27) 1937: Interpreted file: CactJahr1937.pdf (6.5MB; 2012-7-27) Original file: CactJahr1937_O.pdf (39.1MB; 2012-7-27) 1938: Interpreted file: CactJahr1938.pdf (4.2MB; 2012-7-27) Original file: CactJahr1938_O.pdf (33.8MB; 2012-7-27) 1939: Interpreted file: CactJahr1939.pdf (4.1MB; 2012-7-27) Original file: CactJahr1939_O.pdf (33.2MB; 2012-7-27) 1940: Interpreted file: CactJahr1940.pdf (2.6MB; 2012-7-27) Original file: CactJahr1940_O.pdf (10.4MB; 2012-7-27) 1941: Interpreted file: CactJahr1941.pdf (4.6MB; 2012-7-27) Original file: CactJahr1941_O.pdf (33.9MB; 2012-7-27) 1942: Interpreted file: CactJahr1942.pdf (5.2MB; 2012-7-27) Original file: CactJahr1942_O.pdf (35.8MB; 2012-7-27) 1943-44: Interpreted file: CactJahr1943.pdf (5.2MB; 2012-7-27) Original file: CactJahr1943_O.pdf (26.6MB; 2012-7-27) en/cactjahr.txt Dernière modification : 2017/12/16 16:26de