Exporter en PDFHaut de page Share via Share via... Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Pinterest Telegram WhatsApp Yammer RedditDerniers changementsSend via e-MailImprimerPermalienA few tips… × Cactus & Co Under copyright (with authorisation) Very nice italian publication dedicated to cacti and other succulent plants. Articles by selected authors who are often well-known among enthusiasts. The journal is in A4 format and the layout is exceptional with pictures of very good quality. Quarterly edition in italian and english (both texts side by side). Read online in the reading room (Choose the volume in the drop-down menu above the image) Download: 1997, N° 1: Cactus_Co1997_1.pdf (134MB; 2008-3-15) 1997, N° 2: Cactus_Co1997_2.pdf (179MB; 2008-3-15) 1997, N° 3: Cactus_Co1997_3.pdf (171MB; 2008-3-15) 1997, N° 4: Cactus_Co1997_4.pdf (66MB; 2008-3-15) 1998, N° 3: Cactus_Co1998_3.pdf (21MB; 2008-3-15) Special Echinocereus 1999, N° 1: Cactus_Co1999_1.pdf (36.4MB; 2009-12-7) en/cactus_co.txt Dernière modification : 2017/12/16 16:26de