Exporter en PDFHaut de page Share via Share via... Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Pinterest Telegram WhatsApp Yammer RedditDerniers changementsSend via e-MailImprimerPermalienA few tips… × Cactus Adventures International — Online Under copyright (with autorisation) The publication of the printed versions of Cactus Aventures stopped in 2019. In October 2020, like the Phœnix, the international version reborn from the ashes in a multilingual form. Initially available from Joël Lodé's webs site, it is now available below. There will be one issue a year, maybe more if you submit articles to joel@cactus-aventures.com. read online in the reading room (Choose the volume in the drop-down menu above the image) Download: 2020: CAI-2020.pdf (20MB; 2021-03-11) 2021: CAI-2021.pdf (3.8MB; 2021-10-2) 2022: CAI-2022.pdf (13.8MB; 2022-12-11) 2023: CAI-2023.pdf (9.2MB; 2023-10-02) 2024: CAI-2024.pdf (10.1MB; 2024-10-03) en/cactusaventuresonline.txt Dernière modification : 2024/10/03 06:15de lobivia