
Augustin Pyramus de Candolle (1778-1841)

No copyright (public domain)

This work is made of 119 pages of text (classification, description, various…) and 21 plates. The original publication is in “Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle”, vol. 17, 1828, which contains uncolored plates1). In 1829 a reprint is issued with colored plates. Most of the material used in the reading room and in the interperted pdf is based on the reprint from the Missouri Botanical Garden (MBG) Library2).

Right: plate 17, Pereskia ziniæflora.

No copyright (public domain)

This work describes in details the plants indicated in the post scriptum of the “Revue de la famille des cactées”. It is made of 27 pages of text and of 12 B&W plates.

Right: plate 10, Echinocactus cornigerus.

2) , 4)
You will find there for free other old documents concerning plants.
The text can also be obtained fromGoogle books; The plates of this file are useless.
  • en/candolle.txt
  • Dernière modification : 2017/12/17 10:42
  • de lobivia