Exporter en PDFHaut de page Share via Share via... Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Pinterest Telegram WhatsApp Yammer RedditDerniers changementsSend via e-MailImprimerPermalienA few tips… × John Merle Coulter (1851-1928) A Preliminary Revision of the North American Species of Cactus... No copyright (public domain) Two articles were published in 1894 in “Contributions from the U.S. National Herbarium”, Vol. 3. “Cactus” (Mamillaria), Anhalonium, Lophophora, Echinocactus, Cereus and Opuntia are reviewed. The files are made from the material proposed by the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL).1) Read online in the reading room Download: Interpreted file: Coulter.pdf (1.1 MB; 2007-9-10) Original file: can be downloaded from the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) under the name mobot39088011696671.pdf. (203 MB) Right: J. M. Coulter2) 1) You will find there for free other old documents concerning plants. 2) from http://www.indiana.edu/~ocmhp/091903/text/presidents_IU.html en/coulter.txt Dernière modification : 2017/12/16 16:26de