Exporter en PDFHaut de page Share via Share via... Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Pinterest Telegram WhatsApp Yammer RedditDerniers changementsSend via e-MailImprimerPermalienA few tips… × Curtis's Botanical Magazine No copyright (public domain) The “Curtis's Botanical Magazine” is published since 1787 (or 1790). It was long the reference for colour plates representing plants. The colour plates and text devoted to cacti and other succulents are made available in the files below. The files are made from the material proposed by the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL). Only interpreted files are available. You may download the original pages as jpeg files (text and plates) from the BHL site: The Botanical Magazine & Curtis's Botanical Magazine1). Volumes 1 to 20 can be consulted at or downloaded from the University of Georgia Libraries. Cacti (Cactus, Cereus, Echinocactus, Echinopsis, Epiphyllum, Lepismium, Leuchtenbergia, Mammillaria, Melocactus, Opuntia, Pereskia, Phyllocactus, Rhipsalis): Read online in the reading room Download: Curtis_BotMag_Cact.pdf (16.9MB; 2009-9-18) Other succulents (Adenium, Aechmea, Agave, Aloe, Anacampseros, Apteranthes, Asclepias, Beschorneria, Billbergia, Boucerosia, Brachystelma, Bryophyllum, Caraguata, Caralluma, Centrostemma, Ceropegia, Cotyledon, Crassula, Dasylirion(ium), Decabelone, Dictyanthus, Dorstenia, Duvalia, Dyckia, Echeveria, Echidnopsis, Echinostachys, Euphorbia, Fouquieria, Fourcroia, Furcraea, Gasteria, Grammanthes, Greenovia, Guzmannia, Haworthia, Hoodia, Hoya, Huernia, Jatropha, Kalanchoe, Karatas, Kniphofia, Lamprocroccus, Marsdenia, Mesembrianthemum, Microloma, Monadenium, Neoglazovia, Nidularium, Pachyphytum, Pachypodium, Pitcairnia, Plocostemma, Portulaca, Puya, Rhodostachys, Sedum, Sempervivum, Stapelia, Talinum, Tillandsia, Trichocaulon, Tritoma, Vitis, Welwitschia, Wittia, Wittmackia, Yucca): Read online in the reading room Download: Curtis_BotMag_Succ.pdf (57.1MB; 2009-9-18) Genus and species must be considered in the historical context (mainly 19th century). 1) You will find there for free other old documents concerning plants. en/curtis_s_botanical_magazine.txt Dernière modification : 2017/12/16 16:26de