Exporter en PDFHaut de page Share via Share via... Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Pinterest Telegram WhatsApp Yammer RedditDerniers changementsSend via e-MailImprimerPermalienA few tips… × Paul-Victor Fournier (1877-1964) Les cactées & plantes grasses. Under copyright This is the second edition of the book by Paul-Victor Fournier that was first published in 1935. Over 500 pages, about 130 B&W pictures and 64 colored plates. Classification is out-of-date, however the book is of good quality, although Fournier's style and his “rants” are sometimes awkward and confusing. These “minor defects” are far outweighed by his scholarship and his pedagogy. Read online in the reading room Download: Interpreteed file: Fournier.pdf. (10.4 MB; 2012-1-8) Original file: Fournier_O.pdf. (60.7 MB; 2012-1-8) We still need an authorization of Fournier's heirs. If you can help us to find some of them, please contact us. en/fournier.txt Dernière modification : 2023/11/18 18:34de