
Willi Gertel

Under copyright

These books present pictures of Sulcorebutias visited by Willi Gertel along his many field trips. Pictures taken both in the wild and in the greenhouse are presented, and this illustrates the variability of the plants according to their growing conditions. They are companion books to Sulcorebutia by Augustin, Gertel & Hentzschel published in 2000 and to “Sulcorebutia – Kleinode aus Bolivien” by W. Gertel and W. Latin the special issue edited in 2010 by the Deutsche Kakteen Gesellschaft (DKG).

The legends of the pictures are written in simple English that can be understood by anybody. Only general purpose sections (introductionns, acknowledgements) are three-lingual, German, English, French.

How to get a printed copy?
If you want a printed copy of the pdf for about 30 €, you may order it from the German company “Wir-machen-Druck” via your computer. You must first download a special pdf (PDF/X standard) file designed for printing; be patient the files are heavy:

Then you will connect to the printing company as described in the following file: Gertel_Sulcorebutia-EN.odt. It gives the web address of the company and a detailed description of how to do if you don't speak German.

  • en/gertel.txt
  • Dernière modification : 2021/11/09 19:56
  • de lobivia