Exporter en PDFHaut de page Share via Share via... Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Pinterest Telegram WhatsApp Yammer RedditDerniers changementsSend via e-MailImprimerPermalienA few tips… × Table des matières Charles Lemaire (1-11-1800 — 22-6-1871) Les cactées. Iconographie descriptive des cactées. Cactearum aliquot novarum ac insuetarum in horto monvilliano cultarum accurata descriptio. Les plantes grasses autres que les cactées. Charles Lemaire (1-11-1800 — 22-6-1871) Les cactées. No copyright (public domain) This is not the best of Charles Lemaire. Nevertheless, this is an interesting contribution considering the publication date. It is sometimes hard to read because of the “technical” terms, sometimes unpleasant because of some author's point of views. About the latter, one will probably feel either horrified or pleased when reading why he doesn't like the word “areole”. Eventually, one will laugh when reading the advertisement of “La maison rustique” at the end of the book. Read online in the reading room Download: Interpreted file: Lemaire_Cactees.pdf (2,4Mo; 2006-12-13) Original file: Lemaire_Cactees_O.pdf (23,4Mo; 2006-08-11) Iconographie descriptive des cactées. No copyright (public domain) This is one of the major work of Charles Lemaire. Only 11 copies are still recorded all the world around according to Missouri Botanical Garden (MBG) Library1). 16 plates were published from 1841 to 1847 whereas Lemaire envisioned 200 plates. We propose here the 14 plates available from MBG. Read online in the reading room Download: Interpreted file: Lemaire_Icon.pdf (10.9MB; 2008-3-8) Original file: Can be obtained from Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) as mobot31753002718697.pdf (10.7 MB) Right: Echinocactus erinaceus Cactearum aliquot novarum ac insuetarum in horto monvilliano cultarum accurata descriptio. No copyright (public domain) Published in 1838, this booklet presents in latin “the accurate description of some new and unusual cacti grown in Monville's garden”. Hippolyte Boissel Baron of Monville was a cactus lover of the 19th century. We know few about him, except that he lived in Montville north of Rouen (France) where he developed textile industry. The files are copies of a reprint made in east Germany without mention of the publisher. It is identical with the original except the size and location of the plate that shows Echinocactus monvillii (right picture) Read online in the reading room Download: Interpreted file: Lemaire_Cactearum.pdf (0.6MB; 2008-09-25) Original file: Lemaire_Cactearum_O.pdf (10.0MB; 2008-09-25) Scan of an original copy: Lemaire_Cactearum_Orig_O.pdf (15,2MB; 2020-12-06) Who will translate the booklet? If you want, please contact us: biblio6@cactuspro.com Les plantes grasses autres que les cactées. No copyright (public domain) This book was issued in 1869, 2 years after Lemaire's death. The author describes the other succulents with his so peculiar vocabulary. 13 engravings illustrate the text. The files below reproduce the third edition of 1889. Read online in the reading room Download: Interpreted file: Lemaire_PlGrasses.pdf (1.8MB; 2009-10-11) Original file: Lemaire_PlGrasses_O.pdf (20.8MB; 2009-10-11) Thanks to Claude for proofreading. 1) You will find there for free other old documents concerning plants. en/lemaire.txt Dernière modification : 2023/11/18 18:34de