Exporter en PDFHaut de page Share via Share via... Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Pinterest Telegram WhatsApp Yammer RedditDerniers changementsSend via e-MailImprimerPermalienA few tips… × Beat Ernst Leuenberger (1946-2010) Thanks to Silvia Arroyo-Leuenberger, Urs Eggli, Thomas Bolliger, Hansruedi Fehlmann, and the Zuercher Kakateen-Gesellschaft for the authorization to produce this pdf file. Hans Krainz: sein Leben, seine Veröffentlichungen Under copyright (with authorization) This booklet describes over 20 pages the life and works of Hans Krainz (1906-1980), the leader of Swiss cactology. It was published on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Schweizerischen Kakteen-Gesellschaft (Swiss Cactus society) and 50th anniversary of the Zuercher Kakteen-Gesellschaft (Zürich Cactus society). The next 12 pages, written by Hansruedi Fehlmann, presents some data about these societies. Read online in the reading room Download: Original file (with OCR): HansKrainz.pdf (6.2MB; 2022-11-6) en/leuenberger.txt Dernière modification : 2022/11/08 10:17de lobivia