
Monatsschrift der deutschen Kakteen-Gesellschaft E.V. — M. DKG

Under copyright (with permission)

The journal “Monatsschrift der Deutschen Kakteen-Gesellschaft” succeeded the “Zeitschrift für Sukkulentenkunde” and appeared monthly, in four volumes from 1929 to 1932. The issues were distributed by the local branches of the German cactus society (Deutsche Kakteen-Gesellschaft, DKG) only. Besides technical articles the journal contained reports from the local branches, too. Editor was Erich Werdermann, Professor at the Botanical Museum in Berlin and chair of the German German cactus society (DKG).

The file contains a “searchable” layer of interpreted text.
  • en/mdkg.txt
  • Dernière modification : 2018/09/23 06:43
  • de lobivia