Exporter en PDFHaut de page Share via Share via... Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Pinterest Telegram WhatsApp Yammer RedditDerniers changementsSend via e-MailImprimerPermalienA few tips… × Pierre Rebut (1827-1902) Thanks to Roy Mottram, Graham Charles and Aymeric de Barmon: after a discussion Roy has been able to obtain copies of the old catalogues of Pierre Rebut. The library of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh is gratefully acknowleged for the scans. Supplément au Catalogues des cactées… 1893 No copyright First catalogue where the name Echinopsis minuscula appears, 2 years before Schumann described Rebutia minuscula. Read online in the reading room Download: Original file1): Catalogue1893supp_O.pdf (1.0MB; 2016-02-10) 1) The files contain a “searchable” layer of interpreted text. en/rebut.txt Dernière modification : 2021/04/08 16:11de lobivia