Vous retrouverez ici l'essentiel de la documentation liée aux Mesembryanthemaceae.
Steven A. Hammer. "Mastering the art of growing mesembs", Cactus and Succulent Journal (USA), 1995, vol. 67, n° 4.

Steven A. Hammer. Lithops - Treasures of the veld (Observations on the genus Lithops N.E.Br.). British Cactus and Succulent Society, 1999.

Steven A. Hammer. Lithops joyaux du veld. Editions Quae, 2010.

Desmond T. Cole & Naureen A. Cole. Lithops Flowering Stones. Cactus & Co. Libri, 2005.

Steven A. Hammer. The genus Conophytum - A Conograph. Succulent Plant Publications - Pretoria, 1993.

Steven A. Hammer. Dumpling and His Wife: New Views of the Genus Conophytum. EAE Creative Colour Limited, 2002.

Ernst van Jaarsveld, Ben-Erik van Wyk and Gideon Smith. Succulents of South Africa - A guide to the regional diversity. Sasol, 2000.

Ed Storms. The new growing the mesembs. Ed Storms, Inc. 1986.

Desmond T. Cole. Lithops Locality Data October 2002, C001 - C400.

Heidrun E. K. Hartmann. Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants, Aizoaceae A-E. Springer, 2001

Heidrun E. K. Hartmann. Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants, Aizoaceae F-Z. Springer, 2001

Richard Cowling & Shirley Pierce. Namaqualand A Succulent Desert. Fernwood Press, 1999.

E. J. van Jaarsveld, U. de Villiers Pienaar. Vygies Gems of the veld A Garden and Field Guide to the South African Mesembs. Cactus & Co. Libri, 2000.

Gideon F. Smith, Pascale Chesselet, Ernst J. van Jaarsveld, Heidi Hartmann, Steven Hammer, Ben-Erik van Wyk, Priscilla Burgoyne, Cornelia Klak and Hubert Kurzweil. Mesembs of the world. Briza Publications, 1998.

E. J. van Jaarsveld, U. de Villiers Pienaar. Aizoaceae Die Mittagsblumen Südafrikas Les Mésembs d'Afrique du Sud. Ulmer, 2004.

Abraham E. van Wyk, Gideon F. Smith. Regions of floristic Endemism in Southern Africa A review with Emphasis on Succulents. Umdaus Press, 2001.

Steven A. Hammer.Mesembs The Titanopsis Group. Little Sphaeroid Press, 2013.

Jan Vlok, Anne Lise Schutte-Vlok. Plants of the Klein Karoo. Umdaus Press, 2010.

Bulletin du Mesemb Study Group.

Revue Aloe de la Succulent Society of South Africa.

Numéro spécial “Les lithops"” de la revue Succulentes. AIAPS, 2008.